
SimData is a cross-platform, independent library for data management in simulations. The library is written in C++, and provides full binding to Python via SWIG. It was developed for use with the Combat Simulator Project (CSP), but is meant to be a general purpose library. SimData serves two interrelated purposes. The first is to provide high-quality data classes that are useful in simulation environments. Examples include vectors, matrices, quaternions, dates, geospacial coordinates, and interpolated lookup tables. The other purpose is to allow static external data to be quickly and easily loaded into the simulation at runtime. External data is stored in a hierarchical set of files using a simple XML format. These files are then precompiled into a binary format for use at runtime. Using the SimData facilities, objects that rely on external data can be created dynamically at runtime with all the correct data automatically and transparently loaded. As a side benefit, when combined with the dynamic module loading capability of Python, the object creation capability of SimData provides a very simple way to extend the simulation functionality using third-party plugin components.


